African Elephants Travel Paths Leading to Favorite Food

African Elephants Travel Paths Leading to Favorite Food

Scientists have determined that African elephants travel paths leading to their favorite food. They learned this by tracking their footprints through a high-resolution Garmin GPS combined with satellite imagery. After tracking various elephant paths, scientists have determined that elephant bulls and families walk in different paths leading them to the foods they love. African bull…

Facial Nucleus Neurons in Elephants

Facial Nucleus Neurons in Elephants

In a study published on Science Advances, they compared facial nucleus neurons in elephants. Scientists have found that African elephants have more facial nucleus neurons than Asian elephants. What does this mean? While African and Asian elephants differ in ears and trunk, they appear to differ in brains, as well. According to the study, African…

Dramatic Elephant Rescue in Thailand

Dramatic Elephant Rescue in Thailand

On Wednesday, experts got to witness a dramatic elephant rescue in Thailand. A baby elephant slipped into a manhole in central Thailand and could not get out. A resident discovered the elephant and alerted the authorities. When the authorities came to the site, they could not do anything because the mother was there. She was…

Largest Tusker Elephant Killed in Botswana

Largest Tusker Elephant Killed in Botswana

In April, at the beginning of the trophy hunting season, the largest tusker elephant was killed in Botswana. Botswanan hunter Leon Kachelhoffer claims that he has killed this majestic beast, which only cost him 50,000 dollars. This has caused outrage among many animal activists and the former President of Botswana, Ian Khama. For ten years,…

Orphaned Elephants Thriving on Goat Milk

Orphaned Elephants Thriving on Goat Milk

Covid-19 affected the whole world including orphaned elephants. During the worse of the pandemic, sanctuaries could not get baby formula. Elephant sanctuaries use the same formulas humans do as it provides the nutrition they need to thrive. Since sanctuaries such as Reteti could not get formula they needed they looked for a more dependable source….

Elephant Rescued Using Archimedes’ Principle

Elephant Rescued Using Archimedes’ Principle

A Twitter video is going viral showcasing an elephant rescue using Archimedes’ Principle. What is this principle and how did it help an elephant in India? Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek mathematician and scientist. While he had many ideas and theories, one that he is notable for is the Archimedes’ Principle. In one of…